Sites Hispanic or in Spanish
General Zona Latina; a master site with innumerable links to Spanish language newspapers, magazines, television and media contacts. This site is updated frequently Buscador de Biografías;
biographical encyclopedia of current and historical figures Iberian Language and Literature Web Your Mining Co Guide to Spanish Culture Rain en español; Numerous links to Hispanic sites on the Central Coast of California and beyond WWW Foreign Languages Resources on the Web Computers Proofing tools; Spellcheckers for Word - Many languages available including Spanish La Red; This site contains detailed information in Spanish about Web administration, computer viruses and assorted Internet issues. (Venezuela) Chatmania; Not only a chat room but lots of general material in Spanish Dictionaries and Reference Materials A premiere on-line dictionary that gives definitions in the same language or translates from one language to another Another comprehensive resource translating many languages and offering language courses La Real Academia; On-line version of this venerable Spanish language resource Comp-jugador; Spanish verb conjugator; over 10,000 verbs in complete conjugation Basic Computer Spanglish Pitfalls; (Errores habituales de Spanglish de los informáticos ... y también de los no informáticos) Centro Virtual Cervantes; El Oteador; Point your browser to Diccionarios, léxicos y glosarios Eurodicautom; "A translator's best friend on the Web", a well-done dictionary of numerous European languages Base de datos sintácticos del español actual; A searchable text base useful for verifying usage Spanish Learning Resources; Good references to tutorials, Spanish Language schools and assorted other links. Glosario básico inglés-español para usuarios de Internet Jerga, argot, slang, modismo; a dictionary of Spanish slang arranged by country List and Glossary of medical terms: Spanish Proofing tools; Spellchecker and Thesaurus for Word - Spanish and other languages Dictionaries
in Spanish and other languages Electronic Greetings Cards Ciberpostales; Mande tarjetas postales digitales en español Tus buscadores; a collection of links to sites offering postcards, greetings cards and... (in Spanish) Hispanic Literature on Line Schools and Study Abroad Study Abroad.Com; "...the on-line study abroad information resource" Questions and Answers - Mexico's Spanish Language Schools compiled by Ron Mader. Amerispan Unlimited; Spanish language schools, travel arrangements and traveller tips. This site is very informative.; Links to study centers in Europe and the Americas - mutiple languages Cultural Experiences Abroad
CETYS Universidad Home Page Magazines in Spanish Zona Latina - Magazines; very comprehensive listing of magazines on-line La red; Revista sobre Internet en español (España) Newsgroups There are numerous newsgroups dedicated to specific countries, both hispanic and otherwise. With the Hispanic newsgroups, many of the postings are in Spanish. These newsgroups afford you the chance to learn about other cultures (perhaps from the perspective of a homesick Bolivian) while you improve your Spanish. Newspapers Zona Latina - Newspapers; a premiere site for links to newspapers world-wide Radio Zona Latina - Radio; Links to radio broadcasts in Spanish Special Interest Spanishlinks; sites for young children Free Rice Click on Change Subjects and then choose Language Learning - Spanish The site helps build Spanish vocabulary asking the visitor to pair the Spanish word with its English equivalent Tutorials Parlo Tutorials and daily e-mail language help
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