This page demonstrates some simple hypertext markup language (HTML) tags. View the source code of this page to study the code. Do so by clicking on View/Source at the top of your browser. Then save this page on your own computer. Create your own web page by replacing the text displayed here with your own message, retaining the appropriate html coding.

Skipping lines in HTML coding doesn't skip lines on the web page. Line insertions must be done with tags.

The <p> (paragraph) tag skips one blank line on the web page.

Adding additional <p> tags does not insert additional lines.

The <p> tag can include the closing tag, </p>, but this is optional.

To skip additional lines, use the <br> (break) tag.
The <br> (break) tag begins a new line with each insertion.

For each additional <br> tag, it skips an additional line. The <br> tag has no closing tag.

Center lines by adding align="center" to the tag, in this case, the p tag. View this line in the source code to further illustrate the technique.

To make text bold, use the strong tag as you see it displayed in the source code for this line. It consists of the lesser than symbol followed by strong and then the greater than symbol. At the end of the text that you wish bo make bold, add a lesser than symbol followed by a slash, strong and the greater than symbol. (The bold tag produces the same effect as the strong tag but has been deprecated or discouraged by the current html standards.)

This is a relative link to the opening page of this web site.

This is an absolute link to the same place. Image of a bullseye

Image of a bullseye Linked bullseye image - clicking on the image goes to same page as the absolute and relative links listed above.



This entire page is wrapped in a table.
Study the code to view the technique.

Column one Row oneColumn two Row one
Column one Row twoColumn two Row two (centered)
Column one Row threeColumn 2 Row three
Columns one and two combined Row four
Image of a bullseyeImage of a bullseye

Cascading Style Sheets

Cascading style sheets (CSS) greatly expand the possiblilies for layout. One must understand that CSS merely suggests layout to the browser. Some browsers display CSS better than others. No browser is 100% CSS compliant. The end user also has to option to turn off CSS or to substitute the cascading style sheet of the author with his/her own.

Using CSS allows me to skip a line and to indent the text several spaces. Note that I now must close the p tag at the end of this line or CSS will not be recognized.

This line is positioned two lines below the previous one and is indented as before.

Here's a line that is indented 4em.

Here's one indented 6em.

Here's a line that is two lines below and indented 8em.

For more about CSS, see

Changing the background color

Compare the <body> tag at the beginning of this page with the <body> tag of Template 1 You'll notice that this one contains additional information. To find out more about background colors, point your browser to

Template 1| Template 2| Template 3| Template 4| Template 5